TS Imported's Salvage Yard History

Over the history of TS Imported, we've always had a supply of cars that were not able to be restored, but yet stil had valuable parts.  These cars have been traditionally stored in our salvage yard.  These cars can supply 'gently used' parts or in some cases a very difficult to source part for your restoration.  Below are some of the many cars that have passed through our storage facility.  Finally at the bottom of the page are some more recent photos.  Though we don't have as many diamons in the rough as we used to, there are still 30-50 cars on hand at any given time.  

Click on any image to see a much larger version, and see what treasures you can spot!


A Jaguar Saloon rests among British FriendsVarious Midgets, Spitfires, and a race weary TR8

How many different British car models are there hereSeveral SD1s sit in a row

Amongst them all, a lone TR7 doorA more recent photo, some newer treasures!

A slightly different view, with more surprises.A nice Spitfire hardtop protected from the elements.

TS Imported Automotive, 108 South Jefferson St., Pandora, Ohio, 45877, USA
Tel 800.543.6648 (USA & Canada only) 419.384.3022 (Tech / General Information)
Fax 419.384.3272 (24 hours) tedtsimx@bright.net
Hours 8:30 - 5 p.m. Monday - Friday, 9 - 1 p.m. Saturday (unless attending an event)

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