Engine Rebuilding Services
Cylinder Heads | Crank Shafts | High Performance Engine Coatings | Complete Engine Rebuilding
Engine rebuild procedure. Engine is cleaned, degreased, disassembled, measured and components. Block, crankshaft, head connecting rods, etc. are magnafluxed.. Once this is done, we can give you an accurate estimate on rebuild cost. Cost will vary by what you want to do for extras such as using ARP fasteners vs stock, using a perfomrance cam, nitriting crank, etc. Example, if the cylinder bores are good, you will only have the cost of honing the cylinders and new rings. If the engine has to be bored, then you have the cost of boring plus the cost of new pistons. Our standard engine rebuild includes the following;
Rotating components balanced - New pistons w//pins (if available) - Rebuilt head w/new valves, springs, guides, etc.
Tri-metal rod & main bearings (when available) - New oil pump - New timing chain and gear set (if available)
Tappets - Align hone main bearing saddles - Freeze plugs -